Hi! This is a very special sort of "mailing list". No real mailing list, because asides from this file, no mailing list stuff is done. So what for is this list? If you are a coder and need help with some Amiga Texturemapping stuff or you are looking for new Team members for your latest project, maybe you will find somebody on this list... and his email... To the person who got this list : Please fill in something in the section about yourself on this list or if you do not want to be on this list, remove your entry and tell me to kill you of the list. This list is also a list of what standards people are supporting on Amiga, and what wishes they have from Amiga Technologies. Note: I will give the information on this list to Amiga Technologies, Phase 5 and the developpers of CyberGraphX, but not now... i will do this as soon as some more people are on the list !!! Coders/graphicians/musicians for Amiga games/demo that are up to now not on the list, please send me mail !!! If that list will grow BIG soon, i will be able the information to Amiga Technologies and Phase 5 soon... but only people who are serious about supporting Amiga, please !!! By the way, the order in which the different people appear on that list is only the order in which i GOT the replies to my questions... nothing else :) This list may also be interested for developpers of GFX Boards who want to contact people that could write games/demos/low level support libraries for their boards... ____________________________________________________________________________ Amiga Demo/Game coders/graphicians/musicians/sound guys "Mailing List" V 1.2 1. Why this list ? 2. emails and comments 3. How to get on this list 4. Next Amiga Texturemapping conference 5. Up to date "open questions". 6. List of coders/graphicians/musicians 7. Some statistics... 8. THE AMIGA THE GUYS ON THIS LIST WANT !!! 9. How to get more info about Graphics Boards... NOTE : On ever case, be sure to read chapters 1,3,4,5,7,8 and 9... there is a short version of this list available without this LONG text chapter 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. Why this list As time went by, the Amiga Texturemapping FAQ got very huge, interesting if you want to inform yourselves about a LOT of things, but if you are for example a developper and want to reach certain people, then it is a bit complicated to look in that huge FAQ for the correct people... So i created this list. It only features a list of emails, and some comments from this people where they may state, what they are doing about Amiga Texturemapping. Developpers on the list will receive updates of the list by email, and other interesting infos (New Engines, new graphics hardware, new graphics software, that has to be taken into account, together with the email of the authors, if those are willing to give them to me for the list. Announcements about the Amiga Texturemapping conference (TM by MagicSN, no, no Trade mark, just joking :) ) will be made on this list too. From now on i won't send any longer personal invitations to the Conference by email. I will only release public information on comp.sys.amiga.games and on this mailing list. (Okay, that statement is : Beginning after the 31th October conference... one time i will send personal invitations... the last time...) Later i changed this to a general demo/game list instead of a list for only Texturemapping coders (even if it sometimes looks that "game coder" and "texturemapping coder" is the same in these days. The list is open for graphicians and sound/music guys too... or people doing game design or people from software firms... 2. emails and comments __________________________________________________________________________ Name: Steffen Haeuser email: haeuser@tick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de Comment about currently running projects : I am the keeper of the Amiga Texturemapping FAQ and the keeper of the Amiga game/demo coder list. I am also in with the rtg.library project, programming the EGS version of the library. I am also very interested in bringing people together who maybe are interested in creating an Amiga Texturemapping Game together. As system i own an expanded A4000/040 and i am a "030/040+Graphics Board" advocate. (Soon Power Amiga advocate :))) ) I just recently restarted coding that 256 color Dungeonmaster clone of mine, now basing it on rtgmaster.library, and it will probably use 640x480 screens now... I am doing some graphics Board support code (EGS+CyberGraphX) for Nemac 4, too... Now, let's talk a bit to myself, asking me questions... :) * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Yes. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Yes. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Yes. * Will you do commercial projects ? No, probably not. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects ? Yes. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? No. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Hobbyist. * Did you already release major stuff ? No (only Texturemapping FAQ and some graphics Board support stuff) * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? No * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? No * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Maybe * Will you support I-Glasses ? No * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Yes (using rtgmaster.library) * Will you support EGS ? Yes (using rtgmaster.library) * Will you support Picasso II ? Yes (using rtgmaster.library) * Will you support the Draco ? Yes (using rtgmaster.library) * Will you support Retina ? If rtgmaster.library will support it... * Will you support Merlin ? If rtgmaster.library will support it... * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? Yes (using rtgmaster.library) * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? Yes !!! * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Yes. (Please... Double/triple buffering support !!!) * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. (Now i allowed myself to give these answers to them... :) ) * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. How it is done up to now, really sucks... they (Amiga Tech.) will have to change this, if they want a lot of developpers for their machines. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Yes !!! * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them After i am finished with studying, yes. * Will you support ECS ? Maybe (using rtgmaster.library) * Will you support AGA ? Maybe (using rtgmaster.library) * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Yes. New graphics of Power Amiga using CyberGFX like the Power UP systems would be fine. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? GFX Boards with 3D support (or, MAYBE, a high end Custom Chipset, but *ONLY* if it comes with CyberGraphX support !!! But this is dangerous for compatibility... so GFX Board would probably be better...) * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? PCI in Power Amigas in connection with a PCI subsystem with the Phase 5 Power UP Boards would be fine. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? rtgmaster.library or CyberGraphX (if they add equivalent features as in the rtgmaster.library and make low level things more easier to use like in rtgmaster.library - I am talking about VRAM access and Multibuffering here !!!). * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? 68040 or a cheap PowerPC(601 or 603e). (Both with a fast memory interface, no slow Chip RAM or slow memory interface like from the A4000 anymore !!! I think a 68030 for spring release in a A1200 case is too slow... but it would be an enhancement, as to the current situation, till the Power PC arrives, okay... maybe they should do this thing and bundle it with the cheapest Power UP as soon as this is available. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? As Phase 5 started to port the OS, release a minimum ported version for 68k Emulation first and continue porting later, until the whole OS is ported. Amiga Technologies, do the port together with Phase 5. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? I would start supporting CyberGraphX. The other system... maybe, but not sure (probably, if they turn out incompatible, the best way, to solve the problem would be doing CyberGraphX and rtgmaster.library drivers for the new chipset) * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Difficult question. Systems using Power UP Boards in fact HAVE it (sometimes), for the others crap AGA. Use CyberGraphX for the OS. AGA compatibility could make the cost for building the systems too high, probably. (Maybe as an add on for extra $50-$75, if that is possible ? Or some sort of emulation ?) As to the Bus... Crap Zorro III, as it is too expensive in manufacturing, use PCI. (You could do a Zorro III add on, if it is really that urgently needed...) * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) To Amiga Tech. : Don't let stay the A4000 users in the rain. Make CyberGraphX part of the OS. To Phase 5 : Support these low level things. To Both : Do a 3D supporting graphics Board (maybe as add on to the Power UP for Phase 5 Boards, as PCI Board or custom chips with CyberGraphX support for Amiga Technology). Do a developper support that is finally worth this name. Current support sucks. Provide support for Power PC Amigas *before* the actual systems appear, so games can be completely done, before the system is finished (here Phase 5 is doing a *great* job, after what i heard...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Alex Grasso email: Contact me through Steffen Haeusers email. I don't have Internet access. *** Comment about currently running projects : *** I am a graphician. Just that. My speciality are textures and fantasy *** and science fiction motives. I know a bit about Raytracers too, but am *** most familiar with "usual" Paint programs like DPaint and that stuff... *** Currently i am doing graphics for Warp_S/Nemac 4 (Commercial game) and *** for a PD/Shareware game that i am doing together with Steffen since *** quite some time. *************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? I own one :) * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? I am no coder :) * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Again, I am no coder. * Will you do commercial projects ? I am already doing graphics for Nemac 4, so probably yes is the correct answer. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? Yes. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? No. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Semi-Professional. * Did you already release major stuff ? No (But soon). * Will you support other platforms ? Which ? My Graphics is absolutely forbidden to use on any other computer than the Amiga :) * Will you support the Graffiti board ? I AM NO CODER. * Will you support I-Glasses ? NO CODER !!! (sigh...) * Will you support CyberGraphX ? No coder... * Will you support EGS ? No coder... * Will you support Picasso II ? No coder... * Will you support the Draco ? No coder... * Will you support Retina ? No coder... * Will you support Merlin ? No coder... (but i hope i will get my upgraded Merlin soon... one YEAR after i sent it in...) * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? No coder... * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? No coder... * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? I really would enjoy PLAYING the games using this library. But as i am no coder (you know ? :) ) i can't use the library myself !!! * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? No coder. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? I will continue to paint GFX for Amiga games. (And even if i and the coder of the game end up to be the only ones to play this game... :) ) * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Yes. * Will you support ECS ? I usually start with 256 colors at least... * Will you support AGA ? Yes. Probably. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Yes. As i have an A4000 where maybe someday a "Power UP" will be in. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? GFX Boards with 3D support. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? PCI. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be : Fast 640x480 8 Bit graphics at least. Chunky Graphics. If possible, 3D in hardware and fast 15/16 Bit graphics too... * What do you think the low end for Amigas should be in the future ? Low end sucks. :) * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Port in combination with 68k Emulation. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? As i am the graphician, my graphics probably will go where the coder wants them to go. But they probably will be 640x480 8 Bit at least, those graphics... * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? If it does not end up the thing to be too expensive, provide AGA. Else crap AGA. Use PCI-Bus. ZIII only if not to expensive. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) To Amiga Tech: Create a system with a PCI GFX Board and a Power PC that strikes dead all that PCs :))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Oskar Sundberg email: gary@canit.se *** Comments about currently running projects : No info up to now... *** Only that the thing is called ToH... ************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? I'm not sure if I understand this question. My game will be faster on a high- end amiga, yes. :) * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? I already do. Kinda. :) * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Yes, when I buy a PPC Amiga. * Will you do commercial projects ? That's what I'm doing right now, yes. :) * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects ? I've got a shareware utility out on aminet any day now. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Well, yeah, though I've worked a lot with PC's. And I wouldn't mind if someone converted my game to the PC, since there's a lot of money over there. But I'll always program on my Amiga, yes. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? Not anymore, no. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? Sorry, can't say anything. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? The same. * Did you already release major stuff ? Nope. * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? It doesn't look so right now. A PMac conversion in the future, maybe? * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Not specifically, no. (A quick explanation here: ToH adapts to any screenmode that is capable of 32 colours, and fills that resolution and overscan nicely. With the screenmode requester, you can choose any screenmode you have available. So, CGfx-users for example can easily run ToH on a 800x600 screen. It adapts and resizes. :) I only use OS stuff for graphics, so it should really be compatible with everything. (Note from me : Not to Graffiti, because of the real special screen format of the Graffiti, but for all other Boards he is probably right...) * Will you support I-Glasses ? Not specifically, no. * Will you support CyberGraphX ? The same. * Will you support EGS ? The same. * Will you support Picasso II ? Well, more of the same. * Will you support the Draco ? Samesame. * Will you support Retina ? Stop this. ;) * Will you support Merlin ? Hey, I told you! :) * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? Huh? * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? Huh? :) * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? I'm not into 3D stuff, maybe in the future, yes. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes, it is. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Would be great, yes. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? As long as there's a market, yes. And there is quite a market right now. :) * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Depends on the project, if it's a game I like on another platform, and I'm not busy on projects of my own (I usually am) * Will you support ECS ? ToH does (Only playable in lowres). Other stuff only works with a minimum of 256 colour screens. * Will you support AGA ? Probably, yes. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Nope, only with nice stuff. :) * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? GFX boards. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? PCI? :) * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? The minimum standard should be a SVGA capable gfx-card or AGA. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? PPC604 will probably be quite lowend when the PAmigas arrive. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? A native OS with 68k emulation. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? I only support standard stuff. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? The best things should have the highest priority (PCI/AGA compatibility) If the performance suffer with AGA compatibility (hardware wise, OS compatibility is a MUST) then get rid of that old stuff. :) * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) __________________________________________________________________________ Name: Thore Bjerklund Karlsen email: tbk@oslonett.no *** Comments about up to now running projects : No info available up to now... ************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Absolutely. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? As much as possible. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? YES! * Will you do commercial projects ? If I get the chance, yes. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? Yes. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes! I have tried almost all kinds of computers, but none can equal the Amiga. It's the only computer which is fun working with. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? Yes. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? No. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Hobbyist. * Did you already release major stuff ? Major and major.. It's been a while since my last release. * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Hopefully not. Mac is out of the question, I hope I never have go over to the PC. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Depends on it's popularity. * Will you support I-Glasses ? I couldn't afford them anyway, so I can't test anything with them. * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Perhaps. I need more info about it. * Will you support EGS ? Perhaps, depends on it's popularity. * Will you support Picasso II ? Perhaps. Need info. * Will you support the Draco ? Perhaps, if I get any info on how to make things compatible with it. * Will you support Retina ? Perhaps. Need info. * Will you support Merlin ? Haven't heard anything about this? * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? What is this? Old CBM? Doubtfully. * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? Don't know what it is, but if it's not dead slow I might support it. * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Only if it is *fast*. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes! Absolutely, I want to see the Amiga live again! * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Yes, I will never sell my Amigas. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for ? Could be nice, depends on what they want. * Will you support ECS ? Doubtfully. * Will you support AGA ? Yes, if nothing miraculously better comes along. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Yes, although I don't need too much compatibility between the old Amigas and the new PowerPC ones. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? FAST Custom chipsets, with GFX-board specs. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga Yes! * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? Don't know if I understand your question.. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? At LEAST 68030/50 should be the LOW end. It's not a very fast processor by todays standards. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Fast. It should take advantage of the processor. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Don't know, time will tell. If it's not too much work I would probably support both, depends on CyberGraphX' popularity. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibili ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low price, definitely. I'm not a very rich guy! * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) I just want to see something happening with the Amiga! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name : Marcus Dyson (of Team 17) email: Doctor@team17.com *** Comments about currently running projects ? *** Our current/recent Amiga projects are Alien Breed 3D, a Doom Stlye game for *** all AGA Amigas, Speris Legacy, a Zelda style game for all 1Mb Amigas, *** Worms, the best game ever! and Alien Bred 3D Special Edition, a high-res, *** high end version of Aline Breed 3D. ****************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas : It is not clear how long the Amiga market can support larger developers like Team 17, but we are supporting high-end machines ith Alien Breed Special Edition * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? With Alien Breed 3D, certainly. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Here Mr.Dyson referred to an article he wrote in comp.sys.amiga.games. In this article he said, it depends on how Amiga Technology deals this stuff. He is *VERY* disappointed with what they call developper support, and developper support will be one of the things that will decide, if Team 17 will support Power Amigas. He is very disappointed that nobody at Amiga Technologies contacted Team 17 at all, too. But it is still possible... * Will you do commercial projects : Again, much depends on the performance of the Amiga and the support of Amiga Technologies over the coming months. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? No * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Amiga Freak - yes! Amiga only - no were can't afford to be that narrow minded. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? No, but our comapny has many who came from the demo scene. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? Team 17 Software Limited * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Pro * Did you already release major stuff ? Yes * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Playstation, PC, Saturn, Mac, and to a lesser extent 3D0, CDi, Jaguar, SNES, Megadrive. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support I-Glasses ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support CyberGraphX ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support EGS ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support Picasso II ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support the Draco ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support Retina ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support Merlin ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Yes, this would be very interesting. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? At presnt, it is very difficult to make a decision on this. The company had taken the decision that Worms would be our last Amiga game, but we have since announced Alien Breed 3D Special Edition. We will keep an eye on the market, and see what support the machine receives from the customers, and what support the developers receive from AT, then we will make our decision. We will not turn our backs on a profitable market. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Possibly. * Will you support ECS ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Will you support AGA ? At present, this is not clear. Our continued support for the Amiga is under review. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Yes, there is no point in fracturing the market with incompatible standards at this point. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Not necessarily, an OEM defined standard would be nice. A standardised retargetable graphics standard would be nice too! * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Possibly. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? CyberGraphX looks fairly good. A standard this good at least. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? 040 min. HD standard. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Seamless, with backwards compatibility for OS legal software. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? The market can probably only bear support for the manufacturer standard. It would be nice if CyberGraphX hardware were standard, but if it weren't, support would need to be for whatever was. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low Price, PCI. Fuck AGA, it's too slow. (Comment from the author of this list : The man is talking about what i am thinking... :)))) ) * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) To AT - Do something, do something drastic, do it now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Matthew Waters email: Matthew@mattwms.demon.co.uk *** Comment about currently running projects: *** XP8 is a verticaly scrolling shoot-'em-up for the AGA amigas. *** 128 colours, 50fps screen update, 2 player mode, ray-traced graphics. *** HD installable, supports extra RAM, disc drive, accelerators etc. *** Ready in two weeks! ************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas : Well, stuff will work with them, with maybe some enhancements. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code : No plans to do so. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future : Yes, if possible. * Will you do commercial projects : Yes * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects : Yes * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Y * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene : N * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) : Yes, WeatherMine Software * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist : Both! * Did you already release major stuff : XP8 is out very soon - the greatest AGA shoot-em-up * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Maybe PC * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? N * Will you support I-Glasses ? Maybe * Will you support CyberGraphX : N * Will you support EGS : N * Will you support Picasso II : N * Will you support the Draco : N * Will you support Retina : N * Will you support Merlin : N * Will you support A2410 GFX Board : N * Will you support rtgmaster.library : N * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) : Yes, maybe! * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 : Y * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 : Y * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future : Y * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them Y * Will you support ECS : Maybe * Will you support AGA : Yes * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible : No. not necessarily. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards : Custom chipsets make the amiga great! * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga : Y * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be : Support all SVGA resolutions * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future: 030 50mhz 1200? * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion : Seamless! * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Unsure * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low Price. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) A Power PC Amiga with a new improved custom chipset would take the world by storm if the price was right. A new dev support system (I was in the old C= one). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Chris Mair email: cmair@direct.ca *** Comment about currently running projects : *** - Did not get one as i forgot to ask - But this is Shade, the *** game with the Textdemo engine, as i know... ***************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas : Yes. Without the Amiga games pushing for continued advancement of the platform the Amiga is prone to standing still (as it did with the ideology that any new game must work on an unexpanded Amiga 500 with no hard drive) and therefore we may lose out on the newest games because they are not considered portable to our platform. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code : Yes. Our lead programmer (John Hendrikx) has already started a grass roots movement to make an Amiga standard library for retargetable graphics (rtgmaster.library). This library will allow the Amiga not only to use the latest gfx boards but also allow unexpanded Amiga's to continue displaying the newest games. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future : YES!! More that anything the Amiga needed to step into the "Next Generation" of computing. The movement to this processor is exactly what we needed. We would be foolish not to aim for the PPC Amiga as soon as it is available. Our games ahave already been structured to port to a newer system (flexable code that is easily converted). * Will you do commercial projects : Yes. We are a small and new company. We are also all Amiga enthusiasts who wanted to continue with the Amiga rather than jumping platform to an OS with "more power" so we could execute our ideas. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects : Yes. We like the idea of controlling our product without outside influence. This doesn't mean we will turn away distribution.. but we will market and distribute our products through Shareware methods if there is nobody else interested in publishing us at the time. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Well we all are very much addicted to our Amiga's :). We constantly hang around Comp.Sys.Amiga.Games, #Amiga (IRC) and other Amiga outlets. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene : Not really. We release demos but we try to focus on delivering finished products. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) : We are called Fusion Productions. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist : Right now semi-professional as our first game (SHADE) has not been released. If you ask me this question in a month hopefully this will read professional :). * Did you already release major stuff : No... but we are very close :). * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? This is a difficult question. Right now the answer is no.... but we may consider doing ports to BeBox or other interesting platforms. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Probably. * Will you support I-Glasses ? I would love too :). * Will you support CyberGraphX : Already do. * Will you support EGS : Yes. * Will you support Picasso II : Yes. * Will you support the Draco : Probably. * Will you support Retina : Yes. * Will you support Merlin : Yes. * Will you support A2410 GFX Board : Probably. (Annotation from me, Steffen Haeuser : There is now CyberGraphX available, and my rtgEGS.library (sublibrary of rtgmaster.library for EGS) supports the A2410 if EGS is installed for this Board) * Will you support rtgmaster.library : Oh yes!!!! * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for * games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like * direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a * new version of CyberGraphX) : Yes :). * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 : Please do. We want to be a part of a new generation of Amiga companies. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 : As soon as we can get it. It would be great if we could ship our games immediately when the new Amiga's hit the market. This would draw user interest back to the platform. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future : Yes! If the move o PowerPc is any indication (and a standard HD/CD Rom comes along) then there is great hope in the Amiga. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them Well it depends on the stuff :)... But we are always open to suggestions. * Will you support ECS : As long as we can. Although the gfx may not look the best on ECS our games right now will not abandon ECS users. (We believe playability surpases visual appearance) * Will you support AGA : Yes ... again as long as we can. We don't see AGA any differently than ECS... both systems are dying but we cannot abandon them quite yet. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible : Well compatibility would be a nice thing but all we are concerned with is a solid platform (Good OS, Powerful processor, flexable graphics and Amiga's history of determination). * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards : Well ideally a move to 3rd party gfx cards would allow for continual updating with current technology. GFX chipsets should be easily replaced and not set as a standard such as AGA or ECS were. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga : Yes :). * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be : Well a fast 24bit mode would be nice. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future: Low end Amiga's should be a small step below high end Amiga's. They can go without math co-processors and the fastest processor if structurally they run exactly the same as their older siblings... and they can still be expanded to full potental. Lack of expandability is a major draw back. People enter a market low and if they want they should be able to climb to the top. Poor designs (such as a virtually unexpandable A600) prevent users from continuing with Amiga. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion : Emulation of 680x0 for a while with an exentual move to 100% new systems. AmigaDos with the needed upgrades (without losing the Amiga feel.. ease of use and friendly enviroment). * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Depends on the ease of supporting both. If i were not possible hopefully there would be an equal and cheap solution (similar mode to CyberGraphX for the new standard gfx). * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? I don't think AGA or ECS comptibility are required if we push for retargetable gfx... this way the newer and older systems can take advantage of whatever hardware is available. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) We would love to be notified of AT's intentions and we are willing to help use our products to push the Amiga back to a position of power in the computing community. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : John Hendrikx email: John.Hendrikx@grafix.xs4all.nl *** Comment about currently running projects : *** John said me (Steffen Haeuser) i should write something down *** for him, as i know about the project. Here it goes : *** This is the Textdemo engine, *** a texturemapping engine for high-end-Amigas, that will feature *** ECS, AGA and graphics Board support in 8, 15, 16 and 24 Bit *** (depending on the used hardware). Textdemo won't use crappy *** things like copper chunky. Only the best is good enough for it. *** There are two games in the making using Textdemo : Shade and *** Mystic Tank. Currently John is working on the graphics Board *** adaption. ******************************************************************************* * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Yes, and I will not hesitate to create products which REQUIRE a high-end Amiga. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Yes. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Yes. * Will you do commercial projects ? Working on one at the moment. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? Yes (FastView) * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes, although I wouldn't mind if some of the philopsophy of PC clones would be adopted. (Everything on a card and as little as possible standard stuff on the motherboard). * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene : No. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) : Not really, we've formed a group named Fusion but we haven't released anything yet. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Hobbyist. * Did you already release major stuff ? Only FastView and TextDemo 5.7. I also wrote the xpkSQSH.library * Will you support other platforms? Which ? Not sure, if possible I would like to keep my products Amiga only. However porting some of my stuff to the BeBox has crossed my mind, but that really depends on how well AT is doing and how fast the PowerAmiga's will be available. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Unknown at the moment, it also depends on what product we're talking about here. FastView for example will never have Graffiti support. * Will you support I-Glasses ? Unknown. * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Yes, especially since AT seems willing to adopt this standard. * Will you support EGS ? Not directly, only thru somekind of layer (CyberGfx, rtgmaster.library or built-in OS RTG). * Will you support Picasso II ? See EGS * Will you support the Draco ? That depends, I haven't had a good look at the Draco up until now. (Comment from the author of that list : With CyberGraphX you automatically support DraCo... at least for graphics...) * Will you support Retina ? See EGS * Will you support Merlin ? See EGS * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? See EGS * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? Very likely :) * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Of course. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Be my guest. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? That would be nice, I hope they will give developer support via the Internet. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Depends on the situation at AT, up until now they seem to have made the right decisions. However if the PowerAmiga is just another rerun of old Amiga technology or has serious flaws which are likely to lead to similiar problems we are experiencing now with our current Amiga's then I might just consider buying another platform (although that doesn't mean I will never sell my Amiga). Serious flaws would include: Hardware 040 support, forcing AGA compatibity, using custom PPC chips, not having PCI slots, having new-gfx chips (if they will be available) on the motherboard without the option to upgrade them, etcetera... I doubt AT will make any of these mistakes though as they seem totally ridiculous to me. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Not at the moment, I'm very busy as it is. * Will you support ECS? Yes, for now, once the PowerAmiga's arrive however I will not support ECS anymore to encourage Amiga users to upgrade. Stuff specifically aimed at PPC machines won't run on old Amiga's anyway so I see no problems with this. * Will you support AGA? See above. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? That would be preferable, but I can see that this is going to be very hard, especially if the new PowerAmiga's break away from the old Amiga stuff (and I sincerely hope they will). I hope the PowerUp boards will PCI graphics optionally or included as otherwise having a PPC chip limited by AGA and ChipRAM speed would be quite stupid. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? GFX Boards definately. Custom Chipsets will often be 'standard' and hardware which is 'standard' on all Amiga's will often be accessed directly by Games and Demos. This must be avoided at all costs, so I'm a bit sceptical when it comes to Custom Chipsets specifically designed to enhance the Amiga. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? PCI has to be provided with the new PowerAmiga's, if not I seriously doubt PowerAmiga's can be a success. PCI support on PPC accelerator cards would be a big plus. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? Similair to the clones at minimum, including the PCI bus and having a PCI graphics card installed standard in all new Amiga's would be preferable. The user should be allowed the option though to use different PCI cards and/or not having a PCI card installed but buying one themselves. Preferably the system should not be able to run without a gfx-card installed (so NO standard gfx chipset PLEASE!!) * What do you think the low end for Amigas should be in the future ? I would prefer not to have a low-end at all, but if they must have a low-end then make sure it is fully capable of being extended to high-end level (to avoid Games to be targetted only at the low-end). That means the low-end should come in a tower-case, or provisions should be made to put a low-end motherboard in such a case without any hacks. The low-end however MUST make use of PCI gfx's and should avoid a standard chipset at all costs. The lowend should atleast have a PPC601/66 and PCI graphics. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Preferably with 680x0 emulation, keep in mind that 680x0 emulation on a 604/100 can reach speeds of a 68040 clocked at 40-50 MHz which should be enough to keep even the power-users happy for a while. The OS should be heavily extended to include mem-protection, virtual memory, better GUI and built-in GUI layout library. It should also be able to use multiple processors ala BeBox, as PPC chips are very cheap it would be a shame not to take advantage of multiple PPC chips. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? I couldn't care less if new Amiga's are incompatible with the old ones, as long as the new Amiga's are future-minded and aren't limited or held back by either CPU power, standard gfx-chips or unprofessional OS. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? priorities: - getting rid of AGA and any other standard hardware and provide decent OS layers to access any of the new hardware. Don't ever let Programmers get the idea that a specific piece of hardware is gonna be standard in all Amiga's, also don't ever allow them to access the hardware directly. All Gfx-output should go via a gfx-card, not via a standard gfx-chipset. - adding PCI slots, if -really- needed in combination with Z-III or Z-II slots. - raise the standard of the low-end and raise the price accordingly. I'd rather see a low-end be $1000 and come in a MiniTower box an the potential to become as good as the high-end than seeing a $500 low-end machine which cannot be decently upgraded and misses some of the bare essentials to also use it as a productivity machine (this includes PCI, CD-ROM, IDE or SCSI). * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) I think I made my point quite clear :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Mark Sibly email: blkmagic@ihug.co.nz *** Comment about currently running projects : *** Finishing up Gloom Deluxe/Gloom data disk. ************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas : Yep. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code : Yep. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future : Yep. * Will you do commercial projects : Yep. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects : Nah. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Nope. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene : No way. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) : Black Magic. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist : I'm a pro! * Did you already release major stuff : Yo. * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? All of 'em given the chance. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Dunno. Does it actually exist? I'm not too keen on the idea of writing to 64000 pixels sitting in chipram. * Will you support I-Glasses ? Certainly. * Will you support CyberGraphX : Probably exclusively. * Will you support EGS : * Will you support Picasso II : * Will you support the Draco : * Will you support Retina : * Will you support Merlin : * Will you support A2410 GFX Board : Via CyberGfx. * Will you support rtgmaster.library : Not sure yet. * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) : I'd like direct access to VRAM if possible, but I'd rather leave double buffering/Vram location to OS or library. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 : Sure thing. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 : Silly question. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future : As long as it keeps up with us. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them They can try. * Will you support ECS : Yes. * Will you support AGA : Yo. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible : As long as one doesn't hold the other back...I'd rather see the 2 working together on the same thing. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards : Custom chipsets. I want the Amiga to remain as cheap as possible - kind of like a PSX with a keyboard and the basic Amiga I/O. Surely replacing 3 cards for gfx/sound/IO with a couple of ASICs is cheaper? * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga : If it's affordable to the user. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be : Chunky pixels - 8/16/32 bit - palette look up or RGB. A 16 bit mode with a byte for colour and a byte for intensity (please, please, please!). * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future: A one PPC system with new custom chipset - upgradable to several PPCs. Bring back parallel processing! * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion : Start by rewriting AmigaDos 1.2 functions (not many of them) in house to get a functional system going, then fire it out to developers who can add the rest. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Depends on which is better. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low price + PCI bus. Or is that an oxymoron? * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) New chipset please. Stick with A1200 casing design, but paint it black and put the expansion slot out back so a 'box full' of slots can be added via a cable. KEEP IT CHEAP! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Alex Amsel email: Alex@teeth.demon.co.uk *** Comment about currently running projects: *** We are currently finishing XTreme Racing, a texture mapped racing *** game along the lines of Super Mario Kart. It supports 1-8 players, *** serial links, and is optimised for various processors (not PPC!!). *** If it sells well we will make it graphics board compatible probably *** via a patch on an extra tracks disc, along with the full race editor. ************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Already do to some extent. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Any future Amiga product will support the Cybergfx library, as long as I can get my hands on an A4000 that is not way overpriced that is. GFX boards and the A4000 is 2-3 times the price they should be. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? As long as At do a good job of the PPC Amiga, and of porting exec, then of course :) * Will you do commercial projects ? Yes * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects ? Unlikely, but not impossible. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes and no! Yes I am, and I really hate the PC. And no, because I won`t stay working on the Amiga if I can`t see a bright future for myself financially because of the Amiga`s problems. I have to make a living! At the moment exactly what we do in the new year depends on how AT deal with developers getting PPC boards. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? Used to, in a lamer kind of way :) * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? Yep - our own - Silltunna Software. We are currently releasing software under the well known Black Magic label, and we hope this partnership will continue. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Professional .....now :) * Did you already release major stuff ? Just about to (Xmas 95) * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? PC & PS-X most likely, but it all depends on the Power Amiga. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? No * Will you support I-Glasses ? If we did a suitable game then yes - Gloom already does :) * Will you support CyberGraphX : Yes. * Will you support rtgmaster.library : Possibly * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? 3D functions are difficult - there are always specific optimisations that can be made. But if the routines are really very very good then yes. Direct access to Video Ram I really feel is a must. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Of course. Currently I know of hardware developers who have gotton no help from AT and this is not right. They simply want to know a couple of things, and they have reversed engineered almost everything. But everyone seems to busy to bother because they are understaffed. This is not right, and could be more widespread, I do not know. I am very disappointed with this. Also, good things are not thought of a certain person at AT in the UK. This part of the old C= is still hardly any better for the majority of us. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Hopefully. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Absolutely. We will do original products, conversions of major games, and so on. * Will you support ECS ? No * Will you support AGA ? Yes * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Phase5 Power PC systems? Do you mean their upgrades? If so, then yes, they *must* be. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Gfx boards of some sort, but not quite like on the PC where everyone has different ones. I would rather have 1-2 depending how `high-end` you go, and release a new `set` of gfx boards when needed. 3D hardware is needed - there are 2-3 systems about to be released on the PC that could/should be used. The current problem is that AGA chipset is not easily upgradeable in 95% of Amigas, and as for chip ram! * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Yes - go for the future rather than the present. Afterall, that was what the Amiga was all about. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? All I can say is *good* with 3d hardware support, and for cost reasons the lower end must support TVs and doesn`t need some of the higher resolution options. Should be upgradeable though. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? See above. Must have a CD-ROM. Stops a lot of `small town` piracy. Should have an HD, should use HD(not DD) disks at least. It depends if you want an Amiga console or not. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? All code native in PPC, improve all memory and resource protection/tracking. Full network support. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Not sure. Depends on the situation. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low Price. If the PPC was handled right then developers would be able to get things out for the machine. But maybe you can add AGA compat for an extra 100 quid or something. Fast bus - low-end and high-end can be slightly different. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) AT should give support to every half decent developer out there. That means getting staff in to deal with us. That means money. But the return would be worthwhile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Oliver Groth email: O.Groth@link-m.muc.de *** Comments about currently running projects : *** We are doing another texture-mapping game for amiga. It is fully OS conforme *** and uses the advantages a given Amiga models provides ... It is nearly *** finished now. It supports several graphics devices. The main problems *** we got in coding was the absence of memory protection and universal support *** for graphics devices. ************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Yes. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Yes. We do it just now. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Yes, of course. * Will you do commercial projects ? Yes. Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? Yes. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Not as an "Amiga Freak", therefore that the word has a negative touch, especially for people doing computer sciences ... I will use any machine that has possibilities I need und that seems suitable for me. I still use the Amiga, cause the machine is what I want and still I can use. But, I also considered other machines. Maybe I will buy another machine in future, but not for sure. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? No. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? No. Not now. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Somewhere between. We are a grpoup of four people now. Up to now we worked more like hobbyists, but therefore that all of us study computer sciences and we want to work together in future we *will* work professional. * Did you already release major stuff ? I did some commercial work before, but nothing major. * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Maybe. If we do, most probably PowerMac. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? We do at this time. * Will you support I-Glasses ? Code is inserted. If we, as we should some weeks ago, get the package, we could get the code running :-( * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Yes. * Will you support EGS ? Yes. :-) * Will you support Picasso II ? Yes. * Will you support the Draco ? No. * Will you support Retina ? Maybe. * Will you support Merlin ? No. * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? No. * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? No. Not at this time. Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Yes, of course, but only, of the system is professionally planned and supported by AT just like QuickDraw 3D of Apple. It *has* to be a professional and professional supported 3D system. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Yes. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? YES!!! *VERY INTERESTED!!* * Will you support ECS ? Now we do, in future not for sure. * Will you support AGA ? At this time we do ... * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Of course, they *must* be completely compatible. If there will be compatibility using any future RTG standard, it doesn't matter, but I have got enough of programming for different gfx boards with completely different concepts. My gfx subsystem in my game stole me a lot of time ... * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? NO CUSTOM CHIPS! If anyone wants to know why, I can write a detailled answer ... Use standard bus systems, like PCI or anything else, but NO custom chips anymore! Please consider, why Apple uses a PCI bus with standard gfx boards in PowerMacs! * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? It is *absolutely* necessary to use faster busses. PCI maybe. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? A RTG system, that is fully transparent to the graphics.library. I have not especially thought how it should be built ... * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? --- * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Like Apple did it. Try to rewrite most of the OS in native code. Add a memory protection system. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? I can't tell at this time, but I think I would support Power Amiga, if that should happen. But I don't think that this will happen. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low Price. PCI. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) I can just say the same like Steffen Haeuser :-) with following addition: The Future Amiga needs Memory Protection. That would IMHO prevent badly coded software that crashes from time to time without a cause (I have enough of that :-(( ). And, it will help programmers/software developers. A universal Gfx system, where Gfx boards can easily be installed and used like std output. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Steven Rennocks, Systems Director of OTM Ltd email: otm@otmltd.demon.co.uk *** Comments about currently running projects : *** Right, we're a publisher of Amiga and PC software mainly, we are not a developer, *** but if any of the people on this list are developing titles and looking for *** a publisher then please please put us in touch :) *************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Yep * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? In about 25% of the games we publish, and this will grow if its succesful. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Yep, certainly. * Will you do commercial projects ? We only do commercial titles. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects ? Nope, only demos as freeware. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Used to be, have to consider the PC market also, sorry! :( * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? Nope. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? YEP, sort of , I own part of it :) OTM Publications & Promotions Ltd. a software publishing company * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Used to be a full time game developer and commercial programmer. * Did you already release major stuff ? Yep, commercial titles. * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Yep, PC, Saturn, Playstation, Megadrive, SNES. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Dunno, I must be out of touch! :) * Will you support I-Glasses ? Nope, not really, only on one-offs. * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Yep, soon. * Will you support EGS ? Yep, soon. * Will you support Picasso II ? Yep, now. * Will you support the Draco ? Yep, soon. * Will you support Retina ? Yep, now. * Will you support Merlin ? Yep, soon. * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? Yep, now. * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? Yep, soon. * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Nope, we are already in private talks with Amiga Tech. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yep, some would be nice :) * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Hope so, we're a company we do have to move with market forces, but are hearts are still with the Amiga and will be for many moons hopefully. :) * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them? * Will you support ECS ? Will try to. * Will you support AGA ? Always. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Would be nice, but I can't see it happening. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Custom Chipsets....GFX boards are a PC phenomenan and breed millions of 'standards!' * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Nope. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? Better than the competition. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? When's the future ? * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Swift and painless. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) I hate completing long questionairres. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Kevin Picone email: uwdesign@lin.cbl.com.au *** Comments about currently running projects : *** Underware Design, presently has two major projects on the desk top, so to *** speak. *** a) Reality 3D, *** Reality 3D, is actually the base first person 3d technology behind a *** still undefined game project. Basically it's a hybrid of ID softwares *** popular Wolf 3D / Balde Stone engine technologies, while also *** introducing some new features to this engine standard. *** b) Metal Combat, (pet name) *** Metal Combat, is the basis for a virtua figther styled beat'em up *** engine. At this point the 3d rendering system is still early in it's *** development. *** Underware Design, is a collection of young Amiga die hards based in *** Australia... (ie. Down under ;) **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Yes * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Yes * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Yes * Will you do commercial projects ? Yes * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects ? Probably as time goes we'll do even less PD/shareware stuff than we do now.. (which isn't much....) * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes, Absolutely * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? No * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? Not formally, but at this very time we are trying to get "Underware Design" into a position to turn professional. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? At this point Hobbyist. * Did you already release major stuff ? Major No, although i did write a fairly popular shareware shootem up called "Thesius XII". * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Unfortunately, i doubt we'll be able to survive at this time, completely based around the Amiga. Obviously our main other interest will be the PC. Now having said that, we won't actually be designing projects for the PC, just Amiga. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Yes * Will you support I-Glasses ? No * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Yes * Will you support EGS ? Yes * Will you support Picasso II ? Probably/Yes * Will you support the Draco ? No, well that is too say we won't be designing projects that require the Draco System, but we will try and make sure our projects are draco friendly were possible. * Will you support Retina ? Possibly, would need dev info & test Hardware. * Will you support Merlin ? Same as Above * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? Same as Above * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? Yes * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Yes, Personally i believe for the Amiga to push forward somewhat in terms of 3D, we'll need to focus less upon our unique 3d technologies and more upon standized (off the shelf) systems. hence, allowing for quick development of a range of products. The PC world is a classic example of this, developers can simply select which 3d technology they'd like to use license it and then their away, no drawn out initial development times and no hence no or less loss of developer focus. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes, I would hope they both offer actual Game Developer support also, be it, coming to grips with RTG systems 3D systems etc etc. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Yes, well as long as it stay viable.. Personally we'll have a much better picture about this in another 2-3 months , ie after X-mas. (amiga's have only just started to go on sale here in australia) * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Absolutely.. * Will you support ECS ? No, well thats not entirely true. If we develop projects in the future that are able to run on the native ECD chipset without any great loss in GFX quality or performance, then we'll port it, otherwise no. * Will you support AGA ? Yes. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Yes, personally this is an absolute must, as this will create a sence of conflict within amiga ranks... Ie. what machine or version OS to run ... * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? In what regards ?, for 3D styled environments I don't see a great deal of use in custom hardware,(there is some) so in this situation a dumb frame buffer styled videocard would probably suit best. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Yes * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? Hmmm, personally i like commodores first plans for the infamous AAA spec's, although now i don't believe that those chips could cut it as well as the currect and next wave of PC video hardware (speed wise), but i'd like to see the next logical progression of the AAA chipset ideal.. Features i'd like to see included, would obviously be a MUCH MUCH faster blitter, which has true polygon ability, even texture mapping ability. etc etc Or perhaps the simplest route would be to include a 3rd party 3d chip such as the 'Glint' sx by reality labs ( i think ;) * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future: AGA+ (commodore's infamous half way chipset, basically AGA + inbuilt chunky pixel screen modes) If this doesn't prove to be viable, I'd like to see something like the 'graffiti' card be included ! 040 25mhz Or at LEAST 50mhz 030ec 2meg chip + at least 2 megs 32bit fastram Inbuilt double speed CDron with an expansion for MPEG. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? I've honestly no idea, I'd assume the quicker PPC based amiga's can be on show, the better this will be for the systems overall comeback. Hence, i guess i'm saying that even if the say 80% of of the OS is still native 680x0 running via 68k emulation, we at least these can then be shipped in some shape or form.. Actually, if the Phase 5 are able to built A1200 suited ppc603e's at say 75mhz or above at a good enought price, well i'd assume that even while the machines is running 95-99% native 680x0 os and app's/entertinament the speed increase will still be quite impressive.. just in the short term... Many those users could register there card with phase five/amiga tech and get monthly -> bi monthly system software up grades at a small fee. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Well, I believe we have no option, we'll simply have to support both. The last thing i won't too see happen is this turning into a battle against compatibility... Ie. PC's ;) * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low price is unfortunately a Must.. I'd rather PCI, as then it should allow us to cash in on the expanding 3rd party PCI hardware market. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) Well i'd just like to state, that we as developers need to open up more, give more support to each other and Amiga Tech, with the final goal being hopefully the rebirth of the Amiga Games Industry. (it's not dead, but it's not well either...) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Lubor Kolar email: xkoll04@vse.vse.cz *** Comments about currently running projects : *** Now we are making dungeon-style game in SAS C, we have only 3d-engine. *** No rolling, but steps like Dungeon Master. *************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Maybe. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? No. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Maybe. * Will you do commercial projects ? Currently no. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects ? yes * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? I don't understand that question * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? -"- * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? no, we are only group of friends * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? hobbyist * Did you already release major stuff ? * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? i hope NO * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? no * Will you support I-Glasses ? maybe * Will you support CyberGraphX ? no * Will you support EGS ? no * Will you support Picasso II ? no * Will you support the Draco ? no * Will you support Retina ? no * Will you support Merlin ? no * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? no * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? I haven't any docs * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? no * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? yes * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? no * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? YES * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? no * Will you support ECS ? no * Will you support AGA ? Yep * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? YES!!! * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? GFX Boards * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Yes * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? 640x512x16mil, 1280x1024x256 * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? software emulator/hardware card * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? both * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low price, AGA ,PCI * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) I'm waiting for a new amiga from AT..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Antti Lankila email: andezl@kastelli.otol.fi *** Comments about currently running projects : *** My engine slightly overpasses the one demonstrated in PC-game ROTT *** (floor, ceiling, sky and wall texture mapping). I am currently working *** on sprites (objects) and doors, and I am about to add doors and *** non-orthagonical walls, too. My engine will be released as a sort of *** smallish game in the near future, after I have developed it a *** little more. **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? I am trying to support *all* Amigas from A500 to A4000/060 if it is possible. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Well, it depends. I am going to utilize rtg.library to maintain gfx board compatibility if it appears necessary. Also I have heard of Graffiti chunky card and one other (sorry, but I don't think I have crossed the name of it yet) card. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? I can not say, because I do not know what PPC Amigas will be like - hopefully yes - possibly not. * Will you do commercial projects ? Well, I am more into PD, really. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects ? _yes_! ;) * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Well, I consider myself as Amiga Freak still not directly hating PCs and what could be crosslinked with that. Mostly yes however ;) * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? Not really. I am a lone wolf ;) * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? No. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Hobbyist. * Did you already release major stuff ? Well, DamageWolf2.0 has been released and I have got some nice reception from it. * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? * Will you support I-Glasses ? ...etc. Let's say I am multisupportive ;) About gfx+rtgmaster my answer is supportive. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Well, it is. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? If there is any use of it, yes. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Yes, definitely! * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? I am not dead keen to commercial software and I am also not coding for free (for companies) so probably not. * Will you support ECS ? Yes, I own OCS/ECS only machine. * Will you support AGA ? As long as it is possible with humane effort. I can not see the AGA of course so I _have_ certain problems. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Compatibility rules. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? GFX Boards are better for compatibility. Depends on fast processors and rtg - or similar systems - general support of course. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Yep. The faster the better ;) * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? AGA++ ;) Just this AGA looks fantastical enough but chunky is really needed! * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future? Very turbo-boosted ;) Perhaps this question deals with what is the low-level Amiga standard in the future - my answer is A1200+Fast. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? No switch, AmigaDOS rules ;) Well, I really don't know - perhaps multiprocessor machines or something to maintain support for both. I understand this is very difficult solution however. The PowerPC should have 68040+FPU emulation I think. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Well, I would primarly support the one I had. Most likely I would try to support the both of them. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? I do not want fast+crudy solutions so I would be prepared to pay a little more for a better machine. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) Amiga - when the PC is not enough. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Hans-Joerg Frieden email: hfrieden@fix.uni-trier.de *** Comments about current projects : *** I'm currently doing a game like Fade To Black on PC. It is still in the *** early (not even alpha) stage. Will support Picasso gfx and *** rtgmaster.library. First demo to be released somewhere next year. **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Definately. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Yes. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? If I can get one... * Will you do commercial projects ? Not at the moment. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects ? Yes. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? YES! * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? No * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? No * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Hobbyist. * Did you already release major stuff ? Only MegaView, if you call this Major... * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Propably not. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Perhaps. * Will you support I-Glasses ? Perhaps. * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Yes. * Will you support EGS ? Perhaps. * Will you support Picasso II ? Yes. * Will you support the Draco ? Trying to be compatible * Will you support Retina ? If there's a rtg sublib. * Will you support Merlin ? if there's a rtg sublib * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? if there's a rtg sublib (comment from the author of this list : Yes, there is, as long as there is EGS or CyberGraphX installed on the A2410 Board) * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? yes. * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? yes * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? yes * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? yes!!! * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? yes * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Yeah, why not. * Will you support ECS ? Yes * Will you support AGA ? Yes * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Yes * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Gfx Board, to keep prices low. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Not nessessary * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? Something like CyberGFX with more low-end support. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? PPC 603, 4 MB memory, hard disk(!) Cirrus-like gfx. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Port it as soon as possible. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga Chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Support both, if possible * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low price first, and PCI bus for cheaper gfx boards... * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) I hope AT will not make the same mistakes again. Do commercials, and don't rest too long... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Peter Elzner email: HAWK@blanker.ruhr.de Snail Mail : Peter Elzner Grudene 6a 58644 Iserlohn Tel.: 02374/84425 *** Comments about current running projects : *** I already finished my first Shareware game "Diamond Caves", it can be found *** on AmiNet. I'm currently working on a Breakout clone (with options like 2 *** players at the same time, new extras,...) and a Shanghai clone. I consider *** it *very* important to not only support ECS *or* AGA *or* gfx-boards but *** to write programs that work on every configuration. To achieve this, I offer *** an option to choose a different gfx-file for different gfx-chips (like 32 *** color gfx for ECS, 256 colors for AGA/gfx-boards). OD-routines are a must *** if you want to support gfx-boards. *** Remember: They are a lot of poeple who upgraded their A2000/3000 with a *** gfx-board (inlcuding me) but we are *not* able to run hardcoded AGA-games. *** BTW: I'm coding in Oberon and Assembler and I'm drawing my own gfx (for *** now :-) **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas : Yes, definitly. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code : Yes, as long as it is possible (example: the current version of CyberGfx does not support scrolling/ double-buffering!) * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future : Yes, as long as there is a PPC-compiler for any other language than C :-) * Will you do commercial projects : Maybe... * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects : Yes (Shareware) * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? No Amiga Freak, although I only own an Amiga. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene : No, definitly not. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) : No. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist : professional hobbyist :-) * Did you already release major stuff : Diamond Caves (boulder dash clone, Aminet/game/misc, Aminet CDs, ...) more to come... * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Maybe PC, maybe Mac, I'm not sure yet. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? No, I only support real gfx-boards. * Will you support I-Glasses ? Maybe sometimes in the future. * Will you support CyberGraphX : I already do. * Will you support EGS : No. * Will you support Picasso II : I'm supporting most gfx-baords using CyberGfx. I don't want to write code for one single board only. * Will you support the Draco : I'm not specificly developing for the Draco, although I'm trying to be as system-friendly as possible. * Will you support Retina : No. * Will you support Merlin : No. * Will you support A2410 GFX Board : No. * Will you support rtgmaster.library : Maybe. What I want is: - support for as much gfx-boards as possible - get lowlevel-access through this library - or at least get high-speed routines for copying/filling/double-buffering/scrolling/... direct gfx-board-memory access would be great * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) : Yes, definitly! (Although 3D-functions are not very important. The important thing is fast and OS-compliant access to the gfx-baords memory. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 : Yes. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 : Yes. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future : Yes. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them: Yes, feel free to ask. * Will you support ECS : I'm writing os-compatible games. Most of my games are supporting different kinds of gfx-sets. This means that you can play the game in 32 colors as well as in 256 colors. So the answer is: Yes, although the games will be faster on AGA/gfx-boards. * Will you support AGA : see ECS. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible : As far as I know the phase5 PPC will become the new PowerAmiga. If not: Yes. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards : Gfx-Boards definitly. They are fast and they are cheap (because of the cheap SuperVGA chips). New custom chips (like AAA) 1) would be too expensive 2) would take too much time to develope 3) can't compete with current PC-gfx-chips * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga : Yes. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be : CyberGfx. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future: future low-end Amigas should look like the old A4000/030 with new gfx-chips: desktop-Amiga 68030/25 (or faster) 2MB chip/2MB fast cheap gfx-baord instead of slow AGA chipset * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion : Make it possible for old Amiga-Users to upgrade their Amigas (like PPC-boards for A3000/4000) * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? This should not happen. We don't need another gfx-standard (ECS/AGA/gfx-boards is already too much) * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? forget AGA-compatibilly! The only thing you loose with AGA-incompatibility is games! But you will gain a lot of speed, a lower price and lots of gfx-power to compete with PC/Mac. I consider this the most important issue. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) To AT: *Don't* develop gfx-chips on your own, we *don't* need AGA-compatibility! Use standard gfx-boards instead! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Petri Häkkinen email: mystic@tlti.tokem.fi *** Comments about currently running projects : *** I've written some PD games, some of them can be found from the aminet: *** Bloodfest (game/role), ZhandulinHelmi (game/role) Finnish only!, PucmanWorlds *** game/misc), MachoKillers (game/shoot), My3dEngine (gfx/aga) just a preview *** demo version of my coming game(?). They all are written in Amos, but I have *** added some machine code to some of them.So I can program in assembly too. **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Yes, if I someday can buy one. Currently high-end Amiga (A4000/40+) are really too expensive. At the moment I've A1200+Blizzard'030 (50mhz). * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Not yet, because I have very little information about the cards (I know they can be somehow programmed via the libraries) and I don't have one. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future : Hard to say yet. * Will you do commercial projects ? Sure. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? I've realeased some pd games, and I'm working on 3 shareware games at the moment. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes, I definitely am an "Amiga Freak"... Amiga rules! 8-) * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? I've written 2 demos, but I don't feel belonging to the scene yet. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? No, thought we have a six member group of coders & graphicians. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Something in the between. I'm looking for companies which could release my games in the future. * Did you already release major stuff ? Depends, what you mean by "major" stuff. If you mean commercial then no. * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? I don't want to! But if the situation of Amiga's don't get better in the future (that's about after 2-3 years), I see no other option. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Maybe. It seems to be an interesting thing. * Will you support I-Glasses ? Why not? 8-) Would be fun for wolf style shoot'em ups and 3d adventures. * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Don't know yet. * Will you support EGS ? same as above. * Will you support Picasso II ? same as above. * Will you support the Draco ? I think not. (little hint from me: If you support CyberGraphX, you automatically support DraCo too... :) ) * Will you support Retina ? Don't know. * Will you support Merlin ? Don't know. * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? It's hard to say. * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? I'm not a OS coder, but maybe if it's fast. * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Yes but only for gfx cards coding, with the current cpus and chipset it's too slow. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Of course! * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Yes, as long as Amiga is the best machine in the world! * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? YES! * Will you support ECS ? I don't think so. ECS is history * Will you support AGA ? Yes. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Compability is nowadays really important, so yes. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Definitely gfx boards. Fixed chipset always get old. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Yes. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? Resolutions 320*256 to 1600*1200 with 2 colors to 16.7 millions colors with every screen mode. And no interlace! A real truecolor mode to all modes! 8-16 megabytes of chip memory. 32-bit blitter. 32-bit copper. I know this is going to cost much, but other models (PCs, Macs) have 'em already. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future? 25 mhz 68040, 2+4 megs memory, no compact (a500&a1200) models at all. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? PowerPC's should be 100% AmigaDOS compatible but I know that's not realistic. (Comment from the author of this list : According to what i know, you ARE realistic with that...) * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? I would consider it an end to this all. That kind of machine would not be an amiga anymore. I'm not asking for 100% compatibility (which would be nice) but that most OS friendly software would run ok... and faster! * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Faster CPU's and chipset to every model! Don't put the graphic chips on the board but insert a gfx card which can be replaced anytime! Low price is important too to get new users and get people more optimistic about the future of Amiga's. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : J. Saarinen email: jsaarinen@kone.fipnet.fi *** Comments about currently running projects: Up to now none given... **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Of course. Different optimized routines for each CPU and config. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? If a "general" support is done easily, yes. Doing different routines for each board is not nice. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Yep. * Will you do commercial projects ? If there is an opportunity. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yep. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? Yep. * Did you already release major stuff ? Yep. * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? I want this.. * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Yes! I can do the polygon routines, been optimizing them for many years now. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yep. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Of course.. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Yep! * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Of course.. * Will you support ECS ? Yes. * Will you support AGA ? Yes. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? How they could not be? * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Gfx boards. They are custom chipsets too.. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga * Yep. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? Some PCI card, RTG and accelerator support. API for game/demo stuff. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Port, can be done fast using a 68020 emulator, then later upgrade the OS more native bit by bit. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? No AGA. * ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? No ZIII, PCI.. ZIII could be nice in first models... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Michael Kracik email: xkracik@cs.felk.cvut.cz *** Comments about currently running projects : *** *** Work on a 3D engine similar to Heretic. **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Yes * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Yes * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Yes * Will you do commercial projects ? Maybe * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? Yes * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? No * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? No * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Hobbyist * Did you already release major stuff ? No * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? No * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Yes * Will you support I-Glasses ? Maybe * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Yes * Will you support EGS ? No * Will you support Picasso II ? * Will you support the Draco ? * Will you support Retina ? * Will you support Merlin ? * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? Yes * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Definitely yes * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? No * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? YES * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Not now * Will you support ECS ? No * Will you support AGA ? Yes * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Yes * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Both: Improved chipset on board for DMA, sound and graphics and an option to add a graphics board even to low-end machines. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Yes * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? Something like current CyberVision64 but with VRAM and video (15 kHz) capability. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? 68030/50 MHz, 4 MB fast, AGA + Grafitti GFX board * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? I think that expansion boards with PowerPC for current Amigas are a good idea. A shareware or cheap commercial C compiler and assembler for PowerPC should be available as soon as possible. * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Power Amiga chipsets * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Use current AGA chips in future Amigas for compatibility, but do not support AGA in new code. I think it would be very hard to make RTG work with AGA chipset. Drop Zorro III and support PCI. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) None given. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Steven Birch email: steveb@mistral.co.uk *** Comments about currently running projects : *** *** At bit about me - I'm 24, a graduate in artificial intelligence, *** currently working on a 3D flight-sim style game under the working *** title of "Microlyte warriors". It should be published before Easter 96 *** by Guildhall Leisure under the Acid label. The engine features faded *** sky/ground, depth shading, lightsource shading, split screen 2 player *** mode, multitasking, serial link, action replays, different planes and *** flight models + more :) Priority is to get the plain AGA&ECS versions *** finished, but then I hope to do the Deluxe/Special Edition thing, with *** texture mapping/gfx board support in time for new fast Amigas :) I would *** also like to release the level editor so people can make their own *** landscapes (objects are videoscape format, so can be done in most 3d *** modellers) **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? The faster your Amiga, the better my games runs... * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Yes * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? If they appear :) * Will you do commercial projects ? Yes * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? If I have time, after commercial stuff * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? No * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Hobbyist, turned pro. * Did you already release major stuff ? No * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? No (although I have Guildhall leisure lined up as publishers) * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Only if I have to / am offered lots of money (Mac / Playstation) * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Maybe * Will you support I-Glasses ? Yes (if I can get a pair cheap or borrow) * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Yes * Will you support EGS ? Hopefully via a nice library * Will you support Picasso II ? Hopefully via a nice library Will you support the Draco ? Hopefully via a nice library * Will you support Retina ? Hopefully via a nice library * Will you support Merlin ? Hopefully via a nice library * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? Hopefully via a nice library * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? Could this be the nice library? * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Yup, direct vram access definitely - 3D functions would be nice, but most would be specific to the game/demo I would think. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Nop, I like the crap support ;) * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? As long as it supports me * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them Yup, although I'd like to finish my game before I take on anything else... * Will you support ECS ? As long as there is demand * Will you support AGA ? Yes * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Of course * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Tricky one - I can't see AT developing a new GFX chip when they could just use SVGA ones, and I can't see them doing low end machines with slots, so I have a nasty feeling we will see cheap Amigas with SVGA chips and maybe AGA for backward compatibility on the motherboard. The trick will be to not let these become a standard for hardware bangers by having CyberGraphX support, and hopefully a mid range Amiga that has PCI slots and takes GFX cards. This would hopefully be cheap enough for a 50/50 split between low and mid range Amigas, so the higher market cannot be ignored. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Yup, with a connector to optional "slot box" in low end Amigas * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? I think CyberGraphX sounds good, but to be honest I don't have experience of it myself so can't really comment at the moment - As long as I can get direct access to the screen's memory I'm happy... * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? I think the low end should stay cheap as this is a very significant part of the Amiga market, but it should be more expandable, and there should be a mid range machine, not significantly more expensive. The present situation where there is a choice between £400 A1200, and £2000+ A4000 is crazy. In the immediate future the low-end should be 040 based or fast 030 at a push, and fast-mem is a necessity (even software switchable between 2meg chip / 1m chip& 1m fast would be ok). Case needs redesigning to take 3.5 inch hard disks, and a hard disk should be supplied (although this should be done by the dealer so you have greater choice of size). Then we need to go PowerPC crazy as soon as possible... * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? As quick as possible - get the bare necessity of AmigaDOS & emulation ported, and do the rest later... * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? Depends which has the biggest market share - maybe both, or I'm sure CyberGraphX would soon support the new chipset... * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? I think AGA can probably go - It's not as if there is stacks of stuff for it, and it should only be games that have problems. Most current games have/will be upgraded if there is still demand for them. eg Gloom Deluxe, AB3DSE etc Probably same with ZIII - I should think most cards are for gfx, and it would probably be cheaper to get a PCI one, and those with emplant can move to Shapeshifter (PowerMac emulation? ;) * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) or 8? AT - Make sure you support developers, and let them know what is going on and what is coming so there is software for new machines when they appear. I'm sure the likes of Team17 would be a lot more emphusiastic if they had been contacted directly much sooner... Other than that they seem to be heading in the right direction and saying the right things when they do talk... At least there is a future to look forward to now , which is more than there was a year ago :) Oh and spread the word - don't just rely on the users like CBM did. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Johan Hanson email: Johan.Hanson@abs.se *** Comments about currently running projects: *** My name is Johan Hanson. I am 20 years old, studying to get the *** additional points to enter a university course in computer science. *** I have used computers since 1989 and Amiga since 1991. *** I am fluent in 680x0 machine language, and I also know some C/C++, E *** and PowerPC machine language. *** WWW Homepage: http://www.abc.se/~m8816/ *** Current demo/game projects: *** - Demo game, and reusable libraries for Obsession Development which *** is a young company still looking for a publisher. *** - Demos in the euroscene group Eternal. *** *** Current other projects: *** - A objectoriented general-purpose programming language. *** - Several patches which makes Workbench nicer. **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Yes, of course, but no highend-only. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Maybe through a library. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Yes. I can already code PowerPC assembler. I hope people there will be a few compilers soon after PowerAmiga's release. * Will you do commercial projects ? I do not know how the state of my company will be in a year, but I suppose we will make native code for PowerAmiga. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? Yes * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? Yes. My handle: Misagn/Eternal. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? Yes. Obsession Development, http://www.canit.se/~ola/obsession * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Hobbyist, as are most employees of Obsession Development originally. * Did you already release major stuff ? Not yet. I am co-working with some people on a few projects. * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? We want to make games for Sony PlayStation-X, and maybe PC. But we will not stop using the Amiga as our main development platform. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? No * Will you support I-Glasses ? Maybe. If we will make a 3D game for Amiga, we will. * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Maybe * Will you support EGS ? No * Will you support Picasso II ? No (Comment from the author of this list : If you support CyberGraphX, this could be supported...) Will you support the Draco ? No (Comment from the author of this list : If you support CyberGraphX you automatically support DraCo...) * Will you support Retina ? No * Will you support Merlin ? No (Comment from the author of this list : The same as to the DraCo...) * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? No (Comment from the author of this list : The same as to the DraCo...) * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? Maybe. If we will make a 3D game for Amiga, we will. * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Yes. It would be the best choice at the moment. But i hope Amiga Technologies will come up with _true_ RTG truly integrated into the Amiga system, and better support for fast graphics on Amiga. That would be a better choice. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. I would really like them to know my opinions. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5? Yes. I would like to be informed of any development in OS and hardware. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Yes. If my company doesn't, I will still make PD stuff. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Yes, I would. * Will you support ECS ? No, not for games. * Will you support AGA ? Yes * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Yes, I want them to be compatible with eachother, of course =3D) Compatibility should be retained for existing OS-compliant programs, but not for games/demos using the hardware directly. The problem with the Amiga system and games now, as I see it, is that there is bad support for good use of the hardware in the OS. That is why so many developers bang the hardware directly with the OS shut down. AT need to remake some of the functions in graphics.library for RTG and _speed_. With more support for double-buffered screens and bobs, chunky bitmaps and means of disabling OS functions legally. AT should also publish some good example code for developers to use as guidelines. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? In my opinion, it should be completelly RTG, whatever the gfx chips may be. I would of course really like to see the AAA and hombre chipsets in silicon. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Yes. I would prefer the PCI bus. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? It should be a RTG standard, with drivers. User applications should interface these drivers through graphics.library. Several pixelmodes should be standardized, which would make direct access to video memory possible. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? Minitower or pizzabox case. 2 PCI slots. CHRP Cheap PowerPC cpu or fast 680x0 in a slot. Should be possible to upgrade= . 2 70pin SIMM-slots. Filled with at least a 4Mb SIMM as standard. AAA single chipset on motherboard. 2Mb slotted DRAM. 3.5" IDE Harddrive as standard. >400Mb. 2Mb 3.5" diskdrive. Extra slot for second HD, CD-ROM etc. VGA port, Microphone input. Headphone output. Better mouse. AAA offers so much more than just graphics and audio. It has 2 highspeed serial ports, sound sampler, mouse controller and diskdrive controllers. If AAA would be situated on a PCI card, it would be impossible to remove it anyway. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Since it's already such a big step, there is room to add more features into the system. Memory protection, realtime compression of virtual memory, etc.. There will be some difficulties mixing a PowerPC core, and 680x0 shared libraries. But it should be possible. PowerPC should call library functions through traps, which enables the system to start an emulator for the 680x0 libraries. I want AT to work with CEI with the emulator. I believe they already have made a very good emulator for Mac, and have at least made outlines of an Amiga emulator. Since 680x0 already has to be emulated anyway, some hardware registers could be emulated aswell. (mouse button for instance) * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? I strongly hope, that AT will go for RTG. If they wont, they would be sucking bigtime, and I would of course use CyberGraphX, and encourage its programmers to make drivers for PowerAmiga. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low price is most important. PCI bus is the way of the future. ZIII can possibly be emulated on PCI through a bridge. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Timo Suoranta email: tksuoran@cc.helsinki.fi *** Comments about running projects : *** *** My name is Timo Suoranta, I'm from Helsinki, Finland. I am working on *** light multiplayer strategygame, like old Empire, only lot better. I am *** looking for computer AI help. Demo available from my homepage. *** Web: http://www.helsinki.fi/~tksuoran/ **************************************************************************** * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Yes I will. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? Possibly. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? I will. * Will you do commercial projects ? Possible. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD projects ? Certainly. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes I am Amiga Freak. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? Partly. * Do you belong to a software firm (if yes, to which firm) ? No. Yet. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Between.. B) * Did you already release major stuff ? Not quite yet. * Will you support other platforms? If yes, Which ? Possibly. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? Not likely. * Will you support I-Glasses ? Not likely. * Will you support CyberGraphX ? Dont know. * Will you support EGS ? Dont know / possibly. * Will you support Picasso II ? Dont know / possibly. * Will you support the Draco ? Dont know / p. * Will you support Retina ? -''- * Will you support Merlin ? -''- * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? -''- * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? -''- * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Interested yes. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? It is okay. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Naturally. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? Yes I will. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them ? Naturally. * Will you support ECS ? For awhile yes. * Will you support AGA ? I will. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Would be nice, 90% will suffer. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Both B) * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Sure. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? High. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future? 030@50MHz with FAST mem & 3.5" HDD. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? AmigaDOS should be available for Power** (Amiga!) * What will be your priorities if CyberGraphX and future Power Amiga chipsets would turn out incompatible? Or would you even support both? There should be superset of these, maybe shared lib. to use both. * Some thoughts about what to give priority? Low price or AGA compatibility? ZIII Bus compatibility or Fast PCI Bus? Low price & better than AGA. ZIII. * Any comments of your own (1 or 2 lines?) No new machines without HDD! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Alberto Longo email: alblon@maxonline.it He did not answer to my mail up to now, but what i know for sure : - He is the coder of Breathless. - He will support High-end Amigas. - Up to now he won't support GFX Boards, but he is thinking over a special version for a spring release (AGA version : December), if i got it right. - Amiga is not the only platform for that he is coding (PC the other, if i got it right). - He does commercial games. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Bjorn Fogelberg Email: Bjorn.Fogelberg@Synchron.ct.se * Will you support high-end Amigas ? Not decided. * Will you support GFX Boards in your code ? No. Can't afford to keep me updated with them all. * Will you support Power PC Amigas in your code in the future ? Not decided. * Will you do commercial projects ? Not on my own, no. * Will you do Shareware and/or PD prohects ? No. * Do you consider yourself an "Amiga Freak". Amiga only and that stuff ? Yes. * Do you consider yourself belonging to the demo scene ? No, not anymore. * Are you a professional game developper or a hobbyist ? Hobbyist game developer. * Did you already release major stuff ? Yes, I released a game called "Cybergames" which can be found on Aminet. * Will you support other platforms? Which one, if yes... I will probably move on to the PC, because that's where the big bucks are. Even though I have made a game which got good reviews, I can't get a serious employment since I don't know the PC. * Will you support the Graffiti Board ? * Will you support I-Glasses ? * Will you support CyberGraphX ? * Will you support EGS ? * Will you support Picasso II ? * Will you support the Draco ? * Will you support Retina ? * Will you support Merlin ? * Will you support A2410 GFX Board ? * Will you support rtgmaster.library ? No. * Would you be interested in a library system supporting 3D functions for games/demos as to graphics board support and low level support like direct access to video RAM (anyways if it is rtgmaster.library or a new version of CyberGraphX) ? Yes. * Is it okay for you to give your answers to Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Do you want a great developper support system by Amiga Tech. and Phase 5 ? Yes. * Will you continue supporting Amiga in the future ? At the present, I can't afford another computer. As soon as I have enough money, (sadly) I will go for a Pentium. * Would you be interested in companies asking you to do Amiga stuff for them? Yes (Dream on). * Will you support ECS ? Yes. * Will you support AGA ? No. I can't afford another computer but my ESC at the moment. * Would you want Amiga Tech systems and Phase 5 Power PC systems being completely compatible ? Yes. * Do you want future Amigas using Custom Chipsets or GFX Boards ? Custom. * Do you want the possibility of using faster busses to the Amiga ? Yes. * What do you think the Amiga Graphics standard should be ? Fast 24 bit graphics, 3D chip with polygon, texturemapping, gourad shading, MPG. * What do you think should the low end for Amigas be in the future ? Don't know. * How should the switch for AmigaDOS to PowerPC be in your opinion ? Don't know. * Do Power Amigas need AGA support ? Oh yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. How to get on this list As this is no real mailing list, no automatic SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE. Simply give me the same information like the others gave me for this list. My email is haeuser@tick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de I will mail the latest version of this list to the people on the list every few weeks or months (if you do not want this, tell me). I will post it to the news and similar stuff too. And i will give the answers i got to Amiga Technologies, Phase 5 and the developpers of CyberGraphX. 4. Next Amiga Texturemapping conference The next Amiga Texturemapping conference will be on 1st December, on irc channel #amitmap, 17:00 GMT 5. Open Questions A. Attic Software is looking for a guy who could do the DSA III 3D Engine for an Amiga Version. Contact address : Attic Entertainment Software Mr. Hamma Sigmaringer Strasse 84 D-72458 Albstadt If you want to do it using the net, you could contact (using FIDO) Wolfgang Schulz 2:246/8010.9 He is not exactly the guy whom you will have to contact, he is only some guy working at Attic Software (but maybe he can give you an email to reach Mr. Hamma). B. Many people need now developper support for future Amigas or want to know what is going on. Contact addresses at Amiga Technologies and Phase 5 for them : Amiga Technologies : gbo@amiga.de (PR and announcement stuff) rudi@amiga.de (Developper support) Look at http://www.amiga.de too... Phase 5 : phase 5 digital products POWERUP-Programm In der Au 27 D-61440 Oberursel Germany NOTE : You are able to order now : - Information about POWERUP - Information of the Powerup Developper Support Program - Information about the PowerUP Evaluation Boards for Developpers (shipping in January...) Phase 5 is interested in commercial, PD and Shareware developpers for PowerUP Boards *NOW*. And they work together with Amiga Technologies. So probably the Board will be at least mainly compatible with Power Amigas (at the Computer 95 they said "fully compatible", but they did not know up to then what Amiga Technologies is doing with the Graphics Hardware) C. What is most urgent for demos/games on GFX Boards seems to be the low level support (direct access of the VRAM, Double Buffering, maybe scrolling... even more important than 3D stuff implemented !!!) It may even be a urgent thing if CyberGraphX/rtgmaster.library throw AGA out of business as to demos/games... So... if you are the manufacturer of a Graphics Board, the writer of graphics board drivers or something like that and you happen to know how to access the VGA chips of a certain Board DIRECTLY, please send me a mail (for rtgmaster.library...). The manufacturers that i was contacting up to now refused to tell me how to do this and i had to deal with the libraries (and mostly Double Buffering was not supported... :( ) Of course i know of MoveScreen and such things... but that is not the perfect solution... and it seems to me that some things (WB-Emulations, NetBSD drivers, Shapeshifter/Emplant drivers, Animation show programs) probably HAVE to access those VGA chips for DBuffering... or am i wrong ? And, for example for EGS Boards... if i asked them about the Board interna they REFUSED and simply sent me a EGS developper disk containing Autodocs for the egs.library (The manufacturer of the Piccolo Board was this :) ) Probably there was some misunderstanding :((( 6. List of Coders/Graphicians/Musicians List of Coders and official guys from software firms : - myself - Oskar Sundberg - Thore Bjerklund Karlsen - Chris Mair - Matthew Waters of Weathermine Software - John Hendrikx - Chris Mair of Fusion Productions - Mark Sibly of Black Magic - Alex Amsel of Silltunna Software - Oliver Groth - Lubor Kolar - Antti Lankila - Hans-Joerg Frieden - Peter Elzner - Petri Haekinnen - Jyrki Saarinen (Nose/Stellar) - Johan Hanson (Misagn/Eternal) of Obsession Developement - Alberto Longo of Field of Vision Software (only some information about the guy written down by myself) - Marcus Dyson of Team 17 (only something written down by myself what he stated on comp.sys.amiga.games) - Timo Suoranta - Steven Rennocks (of OTM) - Kevin Picone (of Underware Design) - Bjorn Fogelberg List of Graphicians : - Alex Grasso List of Musicians : - No one, up to now ... :( 7. Some statistics : (Not everybody gave absolutely clear answers to every question, mostly on things that are not 100% to overlook up to now... so numbers may differ as to different questions...) Note about that special handling of TEAM 17 in these numbers... as Mr.Dyson said it is not sure, if Team 17 will stay with Amiga... if they stay, they will probably support a lot, if not... nothing... Sorry that i miscounted in the first release some times ... i hope this numbers are correct now... but even if i miscounted one or two votes, the tendency still will be correct... :) And sometimes there were answers were it was difficult to say about how to interpret them (all that "Maybe"s, or stuff like "Low price and AGA compatibility", what as far as i know is a contradiction... Number of Coders/guys of software firms : (only those counted that replied the questions...) 24 Number of Graphicians : 1 Number of Musicians : 0 Number of coders supporting High-End : 20 (+ Team 17 unsure + 1 answer "Maybe") Number of coders supporting Graphics Boards : 15 (+ 4 answers "Maybe") Number of Coders interested in doing Power Amiga games/demos : 14 (+ Team 17 unsure + 7 others "Maybe") Number of developpers interested in a much better developper support system (or thinking support currently sucks...) : 22 Number of coders that will probably continue to support Amiga : 15 (+ Team 17 and 6 others depending on success of Amiga Technology, on developper support, on existing market or such things...) Number of coders supporting Graffiti : 4 (+ Team 17 and 9 others "Maybe") Number of coders supporting ECS : 13 (+ Team 17 + 2 others "Maybe") Number of coders supporting AGA : 20 (+ Team 17 + 1 other "Maybe") Number of coders supporting CyberGraphX (and NOT supporting it using rtgmaster.library) : 11 (+ Team 17 + 2 others "Maybe") Number of coders supporting rtgmaster.library : (Note: rtgmaster.library runs on an installed CyberGraphX system too... popularity will probably depend on what CyberGraphX 3.0 will be able to do...) 9 (+ Team 17 + 7 others "Maybe") Number of coders interested in 3D library functions : 18 Number of coders interested in Low Level library functions : 18 As to this stuff, mostly Direct Video access and Double/Triple Buffering was considered a "must", and 3D functions would be great, but the most urgent thing... these low-level things... Future Amiga GfxBoard : Custom Chips : 17 : 8 Some people stated "Both". I counted this as vote for Amiga Gfx Boards AND as vote for Custom Chips... Is Compatibility between Power Amiga and PowerUP needed : not needed ? 21:2 (with some people indicating that it will be a hard job "that one is not holding back the other and if it would be inpossible to do current Zorro III systems 100% compatible with future PCI systems, compatibility would not be the main issue... but most stated, compatibility would be an issue that HAS to be at all cost...) Faster Bus systems : Stay with Zorro III ? 20:2 (+2 "possibly","if it is affordable for the user") I think, these numbers give something to think over... Should future Amigas contain AGA : Contain NO AGA AT ALL (price issue...) 2 (AGA) : 19 (Scrap AGA) As to Low price vs. AGA i counted an answer "Low price" as an indication to count the answer as "Scrap AGA". To get the exact comments, read this list :))) Some guys mentioned the possibility of an AGA (or maybe AAA ?) PCI Board... 8. THE AMIGA THE GUYS ON THIS LIST WANT I tried to read a bit "between the lines". Sometimes people said different things... but the following is what most people want :) !!! Of course i am not 100% objective, but i really tried only to count numbers... PLEASE READ THIS VERY CAREFUL, AMIGA TECHNOLOGIES AND PHASE 5 !!! Of course this is a dream and not everything may come this way... but this is what coders *HOPE*... This Amiga has a Power PC inside. It uses a Graphics Board (that possibly has some 3D functions in hardware, possibly not). This Board is connected with PCI to the system. There are Amigas with Power PC 603e and others with Power PC 604 around (and in 1997 maybe even faster ones, using the Power PC 620 or what else is coming after the 604...) On this Amiga runs an Amiga DOS in Power PC Native code (or at least a partially ported Amiga DOS). There is a 68k Emulation available. A "normal" Amiga with a PowerUP Power PC of Phase 5 and a CyberGraphics Board is 100% compatible to this system (!!!), even as to what graphics goes. CyberGraphics is a part of the OS. The system is no longer AGA compatible to make it cheaper to build, but AGA is available on a PCI Board (with drivers for CyberGraphics). Zorro III is available on some sort of PCI Bridge Board, but it is no longer built into the system by Default. As to games, all games are playable on a ECS+PowerUP+CyberGraphics system. Of course, maybe an old graphics Board will slow things down. Also, a Zorro II only system will slow things down (but maybe there will be a board with direct connection to the PowerUP ?) The Graphics Board that comes with the official Power Amiga is very fast. And its CyberGraphics drivers are very good optimized. There is no longer an "A1200 style model". There are 3D supporting Boards available, and the latest version of CyberGraphX supports a very easy to use interface for Double/Triplebuffering, scrolling, sprites, direct access to the VRAM (or maybe CyberGraphX has swallowed up rtgmaster.library and included it to the system... here my crystal ball to see to the future is a bit foggy... :) ) This code directly accesses the registers of the VGA chips, but it provides a standard interface for doing this... this library is what demo/gamecoders appreciate the MOST of all this phantastic new CyberGraphX release... :) CyberGraphX comes with every Amiga... There is a standard library collection for 3D effects, sound and picture loading and such stuff... some nice highlevel functions and all that... partially this library is done by former members of the Demo scene, who provided their own private code for it... At Amiga Technologies there are several guys doing Developper-Support stuff, and there are printed manuals and documentation of the Amiga DOS 4.0 available with Autodocs, Includes and explanations. It is possible to reach the Developper-Support, using email, Compuserve, FAX and Phone (FAX and Phone at least reachable in Germany, where Amiga Technology is sitting). 9. How to get more info about Graphics Boards... In the same lha as this file there is a readme "Graph.txt" giving more information about Graphics Boards, including emails of the guys to contact to get developper information... MagicSN haeuser@tick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de